What's Next?
In the Bible, Jesus said, “...I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Around here, we call that the extraordinary life. That extraordinary life began the moment you made a decision to follow Jesus and enter into a relationship with Him. But that is just the beginning.
You probably still have questions about your decision. You may even have doubts. That’s ok! But don’t let those questions or doubts stop you from moving forward. It’s time to press in and move on with the life God designed you for, it’s time to experience the extraordinary life!
Click the button below, fill out the attached form, and someone from our team will connect with you and guide you in your next steps!
You probably still have questions about your decision. You may even have doubts. That’s ok! But don’t let those questions or doubts stop you from moving forward. It’s time to press in and move on with the life God designed you for, it’s time to experience the extraordinary life!
Click the button below, fill out the attached form, and someone from our team will connect with you and guide you in your next steps!